What You Know About Flame Resistant Clothing Will Help With Purchasing decisions

When laws regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in industries like the oil and gas industry were implemented, many companies rushed to purchase the first FR clothing they could find to comply with the new laws. Many of the companies were unable to do a thorough assessment of the job hazards and simply chose the most affordable FR clothing they could find.

Not All FR Clothing Is Created Equal
What the companies didn’t know but discovered soon enough is that not all FR clothing is created equal. Although every different flame resistant clothing designs have thier purpose, some brands are markedly better than others.

The Two Types of FR Fabric
• Inherent – synthetic fabrics that are engineered at the molecular level to be flame-resistant.
• Treated – natural fabrics (such as cotton) that are treated to become FR.

Depending on the brand, the flame resistant properties of both types of fabrics can last the lifetime of the garments. The question is how long the fabrics will last. Many inherent FR fabrics last longer than treated fabrics as the fabric is more durable.
Cotton treated fabric tends to wear out faster simpler because of the characteristics of cotton.
Generally inherently flame resistant material costs about 30% to 50% more then the FR cotton but the garment wear life expectancy is about 1/3 of the Nomex fabric.

Choose Solutions Based on Your Needs
The bottom line:
The solution you choose should be based on your company’s needs.
Before signing any contract, make sure you have performed a comprehensive assessment of the risks at your job site and have chosen the right FR clothing and supplier, capable of meeting those needs.


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Terry Smeader

Distributor of Nomex, Flame Resistant Safety Clothing and Arc Flash Protection.

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