Oil Career Jobs Deplete Construction Industry Workers

Who would have thought that a boom for the oil industry is the bane to the construction industry? The current boom in the US oil industry has resulted in a high demand for workers. And where are all the skilled workers in the oil industry coming from?

Turns out companies have resorted to poaching construction workers. This has resulted in a quick turnover in the construction industry and a constant need for construction employers to train new hires.
The oil boom has also resulted in a greater demand for housing in certain states, and the contractors can’t work fast enough due to the lack of workers, to fill the need. Still, over all, the fact that there are more jobs than there are workers is still welcome in a country where the economy has been struggling the last few years.

Read More At: http://www.kbzk.com/news/6-figure-oil-jobs-lead-to-massive-shortage-of-home-builders/


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Terry Smeader

Distributor of Nomex, Flame Resistant Safety Clothing and Arc Flash Protection.

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