How Much Will A Burn Injury Cost Your Company

How much  do you think a burn injury would cost both your company and the person who is injured or worse…………..

There are many additional costs after the fact when there is a burn injury besides the upfront costs that one can calculate.

On the Job Morel

When a burn injury occurs there is a certain amount of emotional damage for both the person injured and co-workers who are close to the employee. There is also the long lasting affects of mental problems such as depression. When an employee is all of a sudden taken out of the work force there is also the cost of filling that void with a new possibly less experienced employee.

Medical And Legal Costs

Depending on the cause and circumstances that lead up to the incident there could be extremely expensive medical and legal costs. If the company is found to be at fault the penalties and fines could be very costly along with the possibility of a law suit.
This is the most important fact that should be realized as the cost of the proper safety practices and protective clothing in the first place is a small price to pay.


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Terry Smeader

Distributor of Nomex, Flame Resistant Safety Clothing and Arc Flash Protection.

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