Archive for October, 2011

How can safety add value to our companies?

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

What is the value of a company?  A company has different values to different people.

To a consumer a company is a valuable source of quality and reliable products that he needs daily. Its products are his basic needs that make his life on this planet cozy and comfortable.

To an employee, a company is a lifeline for … Read More...

Man Dies At Oil Company Worksite

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

After being overcome by gas fumes a 68-year-old man dies at an oil company worksite in western Manitoba while entering a building at the worksite. More...

Can we demonstrate that safety can contribute to the bottom line?

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

Sure, we can demonstrate that safety can contribute to the bottom line. Let me show you some ways how safety can contribute to the bottom line.

First of all, an employee who feels that he is in a safe place and is working with a management who is concerned with his safety is a productive employee. An employee … Read More...